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- Subject: Re: SHORTCUT.INF
- Date: Thu, 2 Jun 1994 14:55:45 +0200 (MDT)
- In-Reply-To: <memo.270288@cix.compulink.co.uk> from "Ofir Gal" at Jun 2, 94 09:59:00 am
- From: Annius.Groenink@cwi.nl (Annius Groenink)
- X-Face: "E3Hm]k]&:,OEP<{D2ixJf>-9[qOGLebNa0&cQyFL-a~)kTM3&&I"gFw=fJ]K%1IduGjOE`
- ZGu]&~G]QNGa7i/L!+#Xng<|+}HKYHj~5?fTInUEUh0$I1gBI7jrA!&_|e/pR1[cX:^xgJTPsrjA_9
- m8Zli[|.-u{]+c1(6C7mL*m`/_J\>.{4!:g
- Mime-Version: 1.0
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- > 2. More importantly, what if a user defined key conflicts with your app.
- > Say the user decides that Select All should be CTRL+L, but your app
- > already uses CTRL+L for something else.
- There a two options. Either we bind a key to an action, or an action
- to a key. As we cannot bind two actions to the same key, clearly we
- need the first one. So the SHORTCUT.INF file would have entries like:
- (application-group)(key) -> (action)
- Now what an application does when it reads the file is: first read
- SHORTCUT.INF. If you find the key, and the application-group matches
- you, then perform the action on the RHS of the ->. Otherwise, scan
- your private bindings.
- So if a user decides that CTRL L is select all, then CTRL L for that
- other thing is no more valid.
- This does require that while reading SHORTCUT.INF, the application will
- have to change the menu. It should of course be possible to do this
- efficiently.
- --
- Annius V. Groenink | E-mail: avg@cwi.nl | Private & ZFC:
- CWI, Kruislaan 413 | Room: M233 | P.O. Box 12079
- 1098 SJ Amsterdam | Ext: 4077 | NL 1100 AB Amsterdam
- Netherland | Phone: +31 20 592 4077 | Phone: +31 20 695 9901